Hello, I'm Jennie
Welcome, I'm so glad you're here.
If you're anything like me, you're likely to be curious about the person behind the company.
Hello, I'm Jennie. My love of languages has been part of my life as far back as I can remember...
We have German family friends; we're now into the 4th generation of friendship after my grandmother took part in a school exchange in the early 1950s! (How brave were her parents?!)
Over the decades our families have kept in touch and when I was young we spent time with them every year, alternating between Germany and the UK. As part of the 3rd generation of this family friendship, Tashi, my sisters and I are carrying on the tradition now we have families of our own.
This love of languages and creating long-lasting meaningful relationships with others through language played a huge part in my career as an English teacher, with a mission to live and work abroad.
During my time living in Italy and Germany I made life-long friends, connecting through our experiences as well as our language skills, before returning to the UK to continue my journey.
So, why did I become a coach? Well, if you're wondering how an English teacher, living and working abroad became a Top-Class Pronunciation Coach here in Scotland, then check out the videos below.
In the videos and texts I share some stories of how I discovered my mission as an English Pronunciation Coach to help you become a confident English communicator, in order that your English skills support your dreams in your role as a Teacher, Coach or Consultants, who has English as a second language.
If you'd like to know more, scroll down...